
Apem traditional cake

Rice flour 400 grams
Low protein flour 100 grams
Fermipan 1 tbsp
Sugar 250gram
tape to taste
250 ml of coconut water
900 ml coconut milk from half coconut (to desired consistency)
boiled with pandan leaves)
Salt 1/2 tsp
If there are jackfruit may ditambahin .... let perfumed

How to Make:
Mix the rice flour, wheat flour, fermipan, sugar, and salt .... tape pour coconut water and coconut milk little by little .... aduk2 continues until smooth, strain if necessary.
After that let stand 40 minutes or until the dough looks up.
Heat the mold (do not jump into the fire yes .... you better zinc base).
after the heat, reduce the heat to medium alone, topical mold with margarine / cooking oil thin wrote,
Pour the dough, cover. 5 minutes go give pandan leaves and jackfruit. closed again until cooked.
~ apem cake ready to be served and divided ... ~

Udang Goreng Tepung

Bahan Udang Goreng Tepung:
  • 1 Kg Udang ukuran sedang-besar, buang kepala dan kulitnya.
  • 1 sdm air perasan jeruk nipis
  • 1 sdt Garam
Bahan Celupan Udang Goreng Tepung:
  • 150 gram tepung terigu
  • 1 butir telur ayam, dikocok
  • 1 sendok teh bawang putih parut
  • ½ sendok teh merica bubuk
  • ½ sendok teh jahe parut
  • ½ sendok teh garam
  • 1/4- 1/2 sdt baking powder
  • air secukupnya

Campurkan semua bahan pencelup dan aduk rata.
Cara Memasak Udang Goreng Tepung:
  • Cuci udang sampai bersih, kemudian lumuri dengan garam dan air jeruk.
  • Diamkan 30 menit.
  • Panaskan Minyak
  • Masukkan udang yang sudah dilumuri garam dan air jeruk kedalam adonan pencelup.
  • Pastikan adonan celupan merata keseluruh bagian udang.
  • Angkat udang dari adonan pencelup dengan cepat, lalu masukkan kedalam minyak panas.
  • Goreng udang sampai berwarna keemasan.
  • Angkat dan tiriskan.
  • Sajikan udang goreng tepung dengan mayonaise atau saus.

Gudeg traditional favorite food in Keraton Yogyakarta

Gudeg Jackfruit :Ingredients and spices :

1 kg which is not too young jackfruit , cut into pieces
12 grains boiled eggs ( peeled if you want more pervasive marinade )
1000 cc or 1 tsp coconut water vinegar
10 lbr bay leaves
8 slices galangal ½ x 8cm sliced ​​lengthwise
200 grams of brown sugar , finely sliced
2000 cc coconut milk from 1 coconut makepuree :

15 spring onions
10 cloves of garlic
4.5 tsp coriander
salt to tasteHOW TO MAKE AND COOKING AND COMPLETE ORIGINAL warm YOGYAKARTA :1. Prepare a thick bottomed pan , alaskan bay leaves in the bottom of the pan and put on it slices galangal . Then insert a row of young jackfruit pieces , boiled eggs , and brown sugar .
Mix the spices with 500 cc of coconut water or vinegar and stir until dissolved then pour into the pan ..Add coconut milk to taste higher extent jackfruit and eggs become so submerged . Cover the pan tightly and cook over medium heat, and do not open the lid before the first 2 hours . After 2 hours , uncovered . If the water is a little , first lift the eggs and set aside while that is not destroyed .
Enter the coconut milk , stirring with a wooden spoon while destroying pieces of jackfruit . Reinsert the eggs until slightly buried in the jackfruit .
Then again cook over low heat , stirring occasionally until cooked for about 3 ½ hours or until the milk runs out and the warm reddish brown colored .
Pour areh / condensed chicken broth on top Opor jackfruit is sufficiently warm when served .